
Solana's Most Trusted Alerts Stack

Engage your customers with timely, relevant notifications using Dialect's Alerts Stack.

Notification modal

Out of the box tools for best in class engagement

Get up in running in minutes with an experience 100% customizable to your brand

Use our toolkit to reduce your development time by

Meet your users anywhere

Deliver directly in your app, and to popular platforms like Telegram and Email

Telegram use-case
Notification modal use-case
Email use-case

Just a few lines of code

Get up and running in just minutes with two easy parts, so you can focus on your business logic

Drop our Notification Bell in your frontend

<DialectSolanaSdk dappAddress={DAPP_ADDRESS}> <NotificationsButton /> </DialectSolanaSdk>

Dispatch alerts from your backend with just 10 lines of code

await dapp.messages.send({ title: 'Hello from Dialect', message: 'Hello from the Dialect quick start guide example.', actions: [ { label: 'Open Dialect Quick Start', url: '', }, ], });

Engage your audience

Use our Dashboard to engage your audience beyond alerts. Send company and product announcements, or anything else.

Broadcast dashboard
Tensor Notification Modal

Solana's top teams are building with Dialect

Your favorite projects use our reliable, timely alerts

Tensor Notification Modal

Get Started Now

Read our docs, check out our github, or reach out to us on Twitter.